tisdag 14 maj 2013

Last words..

I'm going to finish my time here on the blog with a few words and a few pictures from the visit to Latvia.
I had an awesome time there and I really suggest all of you who are able to do a thing like this to take the chance, it's worth it! 

Before we left all the people wrote very kind things on a paper about every person, this is my paper and I really like it 

Me and Krishna took a picture with one of the guards at the statue of liberty

We visited Swedbank and went up 25 floors! 

On our freetime some of the Latvians took us to a very beautiful church

They also took us to "House of blackheads" 

We went to the very beautiful beach in Jurmala (the weather was very hot that day) 


On the train to Jurmala

It was a pleasure to write on this blog, have a good time! 


måndag 13 maj 2013


Now i'm in school in sweden, but here is a pic from Riga!

Luch at SteikuHaoss was wonderful, a bit pricey but totaly worth it!
I will never forget it!


lördag 11 maj 2013

A bussride home!!

We're in Sweden again...

Well, the sun is shining at least. The flight was short and great (i slept...) and everything went easy. But almost everyone is tired to the point of no return and i think i will sleep 36h when i get home (just like last year). 
I'm starting to figure out what 4 days of non-stop caffeine and sugar consumption can do to you.


fredag 10 maj 2013

A really warm day i Latvia!

We had great weather and a great time yesterday (thursday). 
Then we went back to Riga and ate some YoYo, bought some cool stuff and looked at cool buildings! 
Then we ate at Lido, it was great! Had a really good day! 


torsdag 9 maj 2013

Late evening at school

Good evening!
The time is... late I suppose. Some of the people are asleep, some awake. 
We have realized that the later the hour gets, the more philosophical you'll get. We have passed the subjects school, religion, relatives, weather, world domination, european wars through history and manny other things. 
Today we have been in the city Jurmala. We were at the beach, got some color, ate pizza and had a good time. Later in the evening we went to a resturant called Lido and ate a wounderfull (free) meal. The CocaCola consumption has gone trough the roof and we now have more sugar the iron our blood stream.


onsdag 8 maj 2013


Well, morning people...
I will not say "good mornin", 'cus it's not.

But everybody is up and breakfast has been served. It's wasn't the best, but we'll survive.
Hope everyone els is having a good time.


Check-In Time

Now it's check-in time, everybody is compering passports and are having fun. 

Just a few hours left!



We are now on the bus to Arlanda, see you soon! 


He his Alive!!

And Calle is alive!!
We are now on the citybus on our way to the bus that will take us to the airport! We are overly exited and our blood is rushing!
So little time left! 


tisdag 7 maj 2013

Hello World (again)!
Anton here again with Calle chilling next to me. We are both really hyped and Calle is so overhyped that he has passed out...

But take it cool, he will be okey and up and running tomorrow again (i hope atleast).
Tomorrow we come to invade your country with happiness and rainbows!


lördag 4 maj 2013

Hello world!

I'm sitting here with Calle and we are planing and thinking about our visit to Latvia next week. 
The film is done and it's awsome! And it's just a few days left until you guys will be able to see it.
The plan for the visit so far is to get as little sleep as possible and as much junkfood and soda as possible. That is the perfect recipe for a perfect time! Have a good time until then and i hope to get at least one hug form each person in the project from latvia when we get there!
//Anton "Burken" Sandberg

torsdag 2 maj 2013

And so it begins..... In order to celebrate five years of exchange project between Stalfors school and Rigas 25. vidusskola - here is THE blogg!